Figure 3
Contact restraint-guided ab initio models extend the tractable target range of AMPLE. Molecular-replacement (MR) success mapped against target chain length and median template-modelling score (TM-score). The point shape corresponds to the fold class of the target: all-α (circles), all-β (triangles) and mixed α–β (squares). The point colour indicates successful structure solutions for the contact constraints used: none (blue), PconsC2-only (red) and PconsC2+bbcontacts (gold). Points for successful solutions were considered in the order of Rosetta, PconsC2-only and PconsC2+bbcontacts decoys. In cases of unsuccessful molecular-replacement attempts (empty symbols), TM-scores for the largest clusters of PconsC2+bbcontacts decoys are shown. Median TM-scores for each point correspond to the largest decoy cluster (compared with the crystal structure), leading to a structure solution (cluster indices given next to each point for targets that were not solved with the largest cluster). The dashed grey line highlights the tested target chain-length limit of AMPLE (120 residues) for globular proteins (Bibby et al., 2012 ![]() |
ISSN: 2052-2525