Figure 5
PconsC2+bbcontacts contact-derived models give a more accurate MR placement for PDB entry 1e0s which, although not solved automatically, might yield to expert manual intervention. Top Phaser solutions of 1e0s based on RIO scores for (a) PconsC2-only (RIO score 12) and (b) PconsC2+bbcontacts (RIO score 30) search models for target 1e0s. Search-model colour coding indicates useful superposition of residues by in-sequence (green) or out-of-sequence register (blue) residues as well as misplaced (red) residues. The addition of bbcontacts restraints produced a more accurate model with correctly placed β-strands that was placed correctly. Both structures are shown in cartoon representation with the crystal structure shown as a transparent cartoon. Unaligned reference crystal structure residues are coloured grey. |
ISSN: 2052-2525