Figure 4
Substrate binding by LsAA9_A. (a) Top and side view of G6 binding in LsAA9_A (PDB entry 5aci): LsAA9_A is shown in grey with the loops L2, L3, LS and LC coloured yellow, green, red and blue, respectively. The cellohexaose substrate, the His brace and selected substrate-interacting residues are shown as sticks. Residues are coloured in accordance with the structural elements to which they belong. (b) Comparison of glycoside units binding at the −2/+1 subsite in LsAA9_A (bottom; PDB entry 5acf) and the Michaelis–Menten complex of endoglucanase Cel5A from Bacillus agaradhaerens with 2′,4′-dinitrophenyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-β-D-cellobioside (PDB entry 4a3h; Davies et al., 1998 ![]() |
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