Figure 3
Simulated and measured angular correlation profiles of the {111} Bragg ring. (a) Simulated CXS for the gold decahedron in Fig. 5 (b). For details of the simulation see section S2 in the supporting information. (b) The mirror-symmetric difference correlation of the moderate intensities, , which imposes Friedel symmetry. These data represent an average of 1.6 × 105 exposures. (c) The Gaussian fit G(cosψ) (Appendix C ) fit directly to . The horizontal line marks an SNR (Appendix D ) value of 2.5. There are many small peaks with a low SNR which are likely noise. (d) The mirror-symmetric difference correlation of the bright Bragg intensities, . The absence of pronounced peaks at cosψ = and indicates that this signal possibly arises from a population of non-twinned scattering domains. Also, the relatively sharp width of the CXS peaks at cosψ = indicates that the corresponding NP domains are larger than the twinned domains which produced the CXS shown in part (b). Vertical dashed lines (red) are the predicted CXS signal from the NNT model, as well as other significant CXS signals. |