Figure 2
A polyhedral representation of the denisovite structure (Rozhdestvenskaya et al., 2017 ) as obtained from the ab initio structure solution, shown down the z axis. The unit cell and symmetry elements are shown. Tubular loop-branched dreier triple chains [Si12O30]12− (TC) are shown in red, and xonotlite-like dreier double chains [Si6O17]10− (XC1) and (XC2) are shown in purple and turquoise, respectively; `horizontal' octahedra walls (HOW) are coloured yellow, walls from two (Ca9—Ca12) octahedra (VOW) brown and six-octahedra-wide walls (6OW) green. Small turquoise circles are O atoms, purple circles are F atoms, O43 and O44 are marked by blue circles and large brown circles indicate K atoms. Si atoms are numbered. |