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Figure 6
(a) (111)A standard stereographic projection. The ([0{\overline 1}1])A, ([10{\overline 1}])A and ([1{\overline 1}0])A planes that are located on the circumference belong to the [111]A axis zone, whereas the ([0{\overline 1}1])A, (110)A and (101)A planes that are located on the dashed arc line belong to the [[{\overline 1}11]]A axis zone. (b) A microstructural schema of the corresponding plate colony containing two pairs of compatible plates, one being related to the ([0{\overline 1}1])A, ([10{\overline 1}])A and ([1{\overline 1}0])A group and the other to the ([0{\overline 1}1])A, (110)A and (101)A group.

Volume 4| Part 5| September 2017| Pages 700-709
ISSN: 2052-2525