Figure 1
(a) Experimental sketch with the expected photon spectrum from plasma emission. An intense X-ray pulse hits the liquid jet that delivers the protein crystals and diffraction is recorded on an area detector. A photospectrometer records the plasma emission. The emitted photons could have several contributions, from (1) black body radiation, (2) characteristic line emission, (3) free–bound emissions and (4) scattering. The spectra are expected to be different for different samples. (b) The simulated sample geometries in this study. The samples have an external layer of 1 µm water sheaths, and inner parts with lysozyme, photosystem I, pure water and NaCl buffer. The simulations use one-dimensional geometry, with the XFEL pulse coming from the left and the emission spectra towards the spectrometer on the right. |
ISSN: 2052-2525