Figure 1
Alternative models of correlated displacements in a liquid-like motions model, compared by Peck et al. (2018 ). Each panel depicts a 2 × 3 unit-cell section extracted from the (010)–(001) layer of crystalline cyclophilin A [PDB entry 2cpl (Ke, 1992 ), used in Peck et al. (2018 )]. The b axis is aligned with the vertical direction, and the c axis with the horizontal. Each P212121 unit cell contains four copies of the protein that arrange into a sawtooth in this projection. The strength of correlation with an atom near the center (Asp26 Cα, highlighted as a red sphere) is indicated using a heat map. The correlation decays exponentially with distance, according to a liquid-like motions model (Caspar et al., 1988 ). (a) The original model, in which correlations extend to atoms on different proteins. (b) A modified model, in which correlations are limited to atoms on the same protein. Peck and coworkers (Peck et al., 2018 ) found that diffuse scattering data for this and two other systems favor model (a) over model (b). The figure was created using PyMol ( |