Figure 2
Local free-energy densities used in this work: solid colored lines show the scaled (α = 1) quartic local free-energy function (7) used by LP, for values of above, equal to and below the spinodal value of = 0. The full logarithmic local free-energy function fCG in equation (49) , as used by BDL, is shown with dashed lines for temperatures above, below and equal to the spinodal temperature, which is scaled to T = 1. The values of and T are related by T = , as explained in Section 7 . In order to demonstrate visually the resulting fourth-order agreement, the solid lines have been stretched horizontally by 50% while the dashed lines have been compressed vertically by a factor of 27T/16. Note that the LP quartic free-energy density penetrates into the region and diverges from the BDL logarithmic free-energy density for . Finally, the solid black line shows the free-energy density used in Section 8 to stabilize 6n-fold quasicrystals with arbitrary n. |