Figure 6
Electrical resistivity anisotropy measured on a micro-fabricated single crystal of Sr2Pt8−xAs (purple in the SEM image). (a) The starting lamella were extracted from the single crystal following the identified crystallographic direction from X-ray diffraction. Electrical resistivity is measured along the a and b axes as a function of temperature. For the b axis, the voltage drop was measured at two positions with different geometrical factors (Vb1, Vb2). The current flows between the two leads (marked as I+ and I−). Colours are added to identify the micro-fabricated crystal (purple) and the sputtered gold top contacts (yellow). The crystal is fixed on a sapphire substrate by a drop of epoxy glue. (b) A nearly temperature-independent electrical resistivity was observed along both crystallographic directions. The resistivity is higher for current flow perpendicular to the layers. In the inset, resistivity curves normalized to their value at 300 K show identical temperature dependences. |
ISSN: 2052-2525