Figure 3
Conformational changes associated with Met-AMP binding. (a) The structure of the active site of F-state MtMetRS (cyan) is superimposed with the active site of P-state MtMetRS (grey). The residues that make up the substrate-binding pockets are shown as stick models. The methionine pocket is highlighted in yellow and the AMP pocket is highlighted in blue. Met-AMP bound to the P-state enzyme is shown as a stick model (orange). Large structural rearrangements between these two structures are indicated by the dashed arrows with structural elements labelled in red. The inset shows the unusual β-turn conformation of the HVGH motif in F-state MtMetRS. Secondary-structure elements are labelled. (b) View from the opposite side to that in (a). Large rearrangements include the KMSKS loop, the α2 and α4 helices and the β3 strand. |
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