Figure 4
Shrinkage of the active-site cavity in the absence of Met-ATP. (a) Ribbon model of P-state MtMetRS (grey) with a semitransparent surface for the cavities and pockets. Left, front view; right, rear view. The methionine pocket is shown in yellow and the AMP pocket in blue. Met-AMP is shown as an orange stick model. (b) Ribbon model of F-state MtMetRS (grey) with a semitransparent surface for the cavities and pockets. Left, front view; right, rear view. The methionine pocket is shown in yellow and the AMP pocket is in blue. Met-AMP (orange stick model) is modelled in the active site of the F-state structure by superimposing it with the P-state structure, which demonstrates that the collapsed substrate-binding pockets cannot accommodate Met-AMP. |
ISSN: 2052-2525