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Figure 5
Reconstructed reciprocal space at 100 K; the orientation parallel to the (hhl) ([Fd{\overline 3}m] setting) and (010) planes (A2/n and C2/c setting), respectively. (a) Section centered in 000 (= O*). (b) Section centered in 220. (c) Axes directions are indicated in a corresponding schematic drawing of the reciprocal lattice. The cubic basis vectors ([Fd{\overline 3}m]) are represented by black arrows, and the reduced monoclinic A2/n and the standard monoclinic C2/c settings are given in blue and green, respectively. Twin domains following the twin law for the A2/n setting (0 0−1 / 0 1 0 / −1 0 0) are shaded. Reciprocal-lattice points corresponding to weak superstructure reflections are marked by small black dots. o and e mark strong reflections occurring in odd planes only or even planes only, respectively; e′ and o′ mark reflections missing in the equatorial plane for space group [Fd{\overline 3}m] according to the reflection conditions of the d-glide plane (k + l = 4n for 0kl).

Volume 5| Part 5| September 2018| Pages 595-607
ISSN: 2052-2525