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Figure 5
Power spectral density (PSD) for distinct data sets obtained at different stages of particle-size filtering. (a) PSDs for the data Set10kPCA of diffraction patterns. (b) PSDs after the size-distribution filtering for Set8kPCA. (c) PSDs after using a restricted fit quality range for Set7kPCA. (d) Histogram of positions of the first minimum from data Set10kPCA used for the size filtering. Diffraction patterns inside the blue box (±1 r.m.s. around the mean value) were selected for further analysis. (e) Histogram of the PSD fit quality χ. Diffraction patterns inside the blue box ([\pm 1] r.m.s. around the mean value) were selected for further analysis.

Volume 5| Part 6| November 2018| Pages 727-736
ISSN: 2052-2525