Figure 4
SANS data for GluA2 in the presence of AMPA at pH 5.5. (a) Experimental SANS data for GluA2 in the presence of AMPA at pH 5.5 (grey points) and the resulting fits and residual plots of the GluA2 EM structure in the activated state (PDB entry 5weo; black; Twomey et al., 2017b ), the EM structure in the desensitized state (PDB entry 5vhz; red; Twomey et al., 2017a ), the X-ray crystal structure in the resting state (PDB entry 4u2p; cyan; Dürr et al., 2014 ) and the class 3 EM structure (EMD-2688; magenta; Meyerson et al., 2014 ). Cartoon representations of each of the three atomic resolution structures were aligned and are shown in the respective colours. A cartoon representation of the atomic structure fitted to the EM class 3 density map is also shown. (b) p(r) functions for the SANS data (light grey points) and for a truncated data set (q ≥ 0.019 Å−1; dark grey points) together with the theoretical p(r) functions for the four structures. (c, d) Experimental data (nontruncated; grey points), the resulting fit and the p(r) function for a linear combination of the EM class 3 structure and fractal oligomers (magenta). |