Figure 3
Structural comparisons of α2NC1α121, α2NC1homo and α4NC1homo. The same colour scheme is used in the three panels. (a) Comparison of the α2NC1 and α4NC1 subunits in these oligomers, highlighting the regions with the greatest conformational difference in comparison to α2NC1α121. Important structural motifs (SMs; see text) are labelled and coloured. Dashed lines represent highly disordered regions that are not visible in the crystal structures. (b) Cartoon representation of the structures of an α121NC1 protomer and the corresponding noncanonical α2NC1homo and α4NC1homo tetrameric and hexameric protomers. (c) Plot of r.m.s.d. deviation per Cα atom along the sequences between α2NC1α121 and α2NC1homo (top) and α4NC1homo (bottom). Dashed vertical lines enclose the structural motifs (identified with arrows) showing high r.m.s.d.s. The thick horizontal line (residues 196–210) indicates a lack of electron density. |
ISSN: 2052-2525