Figure 2
Data-collection strategy and data set composition. (a) Complete data sets were collected from 88 different crystals. For each crystal, the diffraction images were separated into 15 frame wedges corresponding to 66 time points (from 63 to 4158 ms). (b) A dendrogram of wedge clustering for the initial time point (t = 0–63 ms). The 26 wedges forming the cluster highlighted with a dark green rectangle group at a linkage distance of 0.39 were subsequently merged together to produce a 2.45 Å resolution data set with 100% completeness and a multiplicity of 12.6 (Table S1). (c) A visualization of the data set wedges integrated (light and dark green) and of the wedges retained in the composite data sets corresponding to the 66 different time points (dark green only). |
ISSN: 2052-2525