Figure 4
Model building of the structure of the light state of AtPhot2LOV2. (a) The structure of AtPhot2LOV2 in the dark state showing key residues surrounding the FMN chromophore. (b) Fobs − Fcalc (green, positive; red, negative) and 2Fobs − Fcalc electron-density maps, contoured at 2.5σ and 1.0σ levels, respectively, for all key residues and the FMN chromophore at time point 66 before modelling of the light state. The dark-state model (left) and both dark- and light-state models (right) are represented. (c) The structure of AtPhot2LOV2 in the light state (C and D conformers, light shade colours) superimposed on that of the dark state (A and B conformers, darker shade colours). |
ISSN: 2052-2525