Figure 2
Super-resolution 3D reconstruction with EER files. (a) Illustration of the physical Nyquist frequency, information in square Fourier transforms beyond the physical Nyquist and the new Nyquist frequency from 2 × 2 supersampling of physical pixels. (b) Image of a cross-grating with polycrystalline gold recorded as an EER file. (c) Power spectrum from the image in (b), showing the image Fourier transform without super-resolution information (small red box), Fourier transform with 2 × 2 supersampling of physical pixels (medium red box) and 3 × 3 supersampling of physical pixels (large red box). (d) FSC curves from maps of human light-chain apoferritin with a physical Nyquist resolution of 3.28 Å: standard images (black curve), 2 × 2 supersampled with random subpixel electron placement (blue curve) and 2 × 2 supersampled with subpixel electron placement from the EER file (red curve). (e) Part of an α-helix from a 3D map of human light-chain apoferritin at 2.8 Å resolution (FSC = 0.143) from random subpixel information (left) and at 2.4 Å resolution (right) with super-resolution information from EER data. Asterisks (*) indicate features that are better resolved on the right than on the left. |
ISSN: 2052-2525