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Figure 2
Distribution and aggregation state of detergents in LCP. SANS curves were compared for detergents in solution, after incorporation into LCP, and after the addition of 2 mol l−1 phosphate precipitant to the LCP. Solution micelle scattering clearly disappears (see arrows) upon detergent incorporation into LCP. SANS curves are incoherent background-subtracted. Scattering from `blank' LCP has been subtracted from the scattering of LCP with detergent (all other components of the blank, including precipitant, were at the same concentration). Intensities were normalized by the detergent concentration. Due to the high scattering of LCP at low q (see discussion in Section 4.3[link] and Fig. S5), the subtraction procedure becomes unreliable at q [\lesssim] 0.02 Å−1, but this is well separated from the range of interest for the detergent micellar scattering, which is around 0.02 Å−1 < q < 0.2 Å−1. Unless otherwise stated, error bars in scattering curves are plus or minus one standard deviation and represent the uncertainty associated with counting statistics.

ISSN: 2052-2525