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Figure 1
A gallery of acquired FEG-SEM pictures and EDX point spectra of uncoated and coated fibres found in the lung tissues of the male subject. (a) The metastable product of the dissolution of chrysotile. The EDX spot analysis (shown at the top left) indicates that the fibre is only composed of SiO2. (b) Amosite fibre with the corresponding EDX spectrum on the left showing the bands assigned to the three more abundant elements of amosite, i.e. Mg, Si and Fe. (c) Crocidolite fibre with the corresponding EDX spectrum (at the bottom left) showing the presence of Na in addition to Fe, Si and Al. Au is from the sample coating. The observed ABs exhibit multiform shapes. Forms: (d) lancet-like, (e) beaded/dagger-like and (f) beaded/cylindrical-like shapes.

ISSN: 2052-2525