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Figure 3
(a) Static electron deformation density in the plane defined by the atoms Ti(1)—O(1)—O(2). Contour spacing 0.1 e Å−3, with positive contours drawn with a solid blue line and negative contours with a dashed red line; (b) gradient field trajectory plot of electrostatic potential in the plane Ti—O(1)—O(2); (c) experimental electrostatic potential on the 3D-isosurface of the experimental electron density (0.3 e Å−3); (d) three-dimensional plot (Hübschle & Dittrich, 2011BB24) of the Laplacian of electron density around Ti at an isosurface value of 80 e Å−5.

Volume 8| Part 2| March 2021| Pages 295-304
ISSN: 2052-2525