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Figure 2
Crystallization of the BCL6 BTB domain into a highly porous lattice. (a) Structure of the BCL6 BTB domain in complex with the high-affinity NCoR1BBD1 peptide. The β1 strand of the B chain is indicated; β5, α5 and α6 of the A chain are indicated with a prime. BCL6 chains are depicted in blue and cyan and NCoR1BBD1 in green. (b) The interface between BTB-domain dimers in crystals of the NCoR1BBD2-BCL6BTB/NCoR1BBD1 complex; BCL6 chains are depicted in blue, NCoR1BBD1 in green and NCoR1BBD2 in red. (c) Crystal packing of NCoR1BBD2-BCL6BTB/NCoR1BBD1, showing a projection across the ac face. (d) Crystal packing of NCoR1BBD2(link)-BCL6BTB/NCoR1BBD1, showing a projection across the ab face.

Volume 8| Part 2| March 2021| Pages 154-160
ISSN: 2052-2525