Figure 2
REGALS deconvolution of an AEX-SAXS dataset with a changing background. (a) The scattering intensities obtained in a previously reported AEX-SAXS experiment on the large subunit of BsRNR (Parker et al., 2018 ) plotted as a function of frame number. (b) In the top panel, the integrated intensities across the elution display two prominent peaks over a rising background. SVD of the full dataset shows four significant singular values above the noise level [gray circles above the dashed line in the bottom panel, see equation (7) ]. SVD of only those scattering profiles prior to the protein peaks (blue region between dashed lines in the top panel) shows two significant singular values (blue filled circles in the bottom panel), indicating the presence of two background components. (c) The deconvolution derived from SVD of the full dataset [equation (7) ] is non-physical. On the left are the concentration profiles (right singular vectors) and on the right the corresponding scattering profiles (left singular vectors). (d) REGALS gives physical concentration profiles (left panel) and scattering profiles (right panel). |