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Figure 4
Changes of Raman spectra induced by Mn doping. Angular-dependent Raman spectra of (a) Mn-doped and (b) pristine KTN in VV configuration. (c) Frequency shifts of the peaks of the A1(2TO), B1+E(3TO) and A1(3TO) modes between KTN and Mn-doped KTN. Error bars represent the standard deviation from at least three independent measurements. Angular dependences of the A1(3TO) and E(4TO) modes and fitting results of (d) Mn-doped and (e) pristine KTN in the VV configuration, respectively. (f) Angular dependence of the A1(3TO) mode in the VH configuration in polar coordinates.

Volume 8| Part 2| March 2021| Pages 319-326
ISSN: 2052-2525