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Figure 2
Top and side views of the crystal structures of [Ni(LI)2] (top row), [Ni(LII)2] (middle row) and [Cu(LII)2] (bottom row). Furthermore, 75% atomic displacement ellipsoids are shown for non-hydrogen atoms. Colour code: H = black, C = gold, N = blue, O = red, M = green or magenta, an M⋯H anagostic bond = magenta dashed line, an O⋯H interaction = grey dashed line and an O⋯H elongated interaction = cyan dashed line . The crystal structure of [Cu(LI)2] is very similar to that of [Ni(LI)2].

Volume 8| Part 3| May 2021| Pages 351-361
ISSN: 2052-2525