Figure 4
Structural comparison of PaMarR with temperature-dependent homologues. (a) Overall structural comparison between PaMarR and BsMarR. The structure of PaMarR (magenta) is superimposed onto that of BsMarR (green). (b) Overall structural comparison between PaMarR and StMarR. The structure of PaMarR (magenta) is superimposed onto that of BsMarR (yellow). (c, d) The cavities of BsMarR (c) and StMarR (d). Grey lumps indicate cavities, including their effector-binding sites. The overall structures of BsMarR and StMarR are shown as ribbons. Salicylate is represented as sticks. (e)–(g) B-factor distributions of PaMarR (e), BsMarR (f) and StMarR (g). The structures are shown in putty representation and are rainbow-coloured from red to violet in B-factor value order. The dashed ellipse indicates the DNA-binding domain in PaMarR and the arrows indicate the loop regions between the β1 and β2 strands in BsMarR and StMarR. The dashed curves shown in (e) and (f) indicate disordered regions. |
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