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Figure 7
The extended helical models of (a) MtMce1A38–454 and (b) MtMce4A36–400 interacting with the core of the DDM micelle. The DDM molecules are represented as spheres and the protein as a cartoon. The model is represented by three domains: the MCE domain, helical domain and tail domain. The MCE domains of MtMce1A38–454 and MtMce4A36–400 are shown in magenta. The helical and tail domains are represented in orange and green, respectively, in both models. The DDM core and shell are shown in red and cyan, respectively. The MCE and the tail domains are not fully connected to the helical domain, as we used soft restraints between the three domains while fitting the model to the SAXS data to allow some flexibility. (c, d) The fits (red line) of the experimental SAXS data (black dots) to the proposed models of (c) MtMce1A38–454 and (d) MtMce4A36–400 are shown.

Volume 8| Part 5| September 2021| Pages 757-774
ISSN: 2052-2525