Figure 10
(a)–(d) Different types of LabDCT images and (e)–(h) the corresponding DL output images. The sample information and acquisition conditions of the experimental images are as follows: (a) a fully recrystallized pure iron with an average grain size of ∼40 µm, an exposure time of 500 s, no pixel binning and Lss = Lsd = 13 mm; (b) the same sample, exposure time and pixel binning as (a), but Lss = 11 mm and Lsd = 18 mm; (c) a fully recrystallized pure iron sample with an average grain size of 25 µm, an exposure time of 300 s, a pixel binning of 2 and Lss = Lsd = 11 mm; and (d) a partially recrystallized aluminium sample with an exposure time of 600 s, no pixel binning and Lss = Lsd = 14 mm. The average SNRs for images (a)–(d) are 3.9 ± 1.9, 4.1 ± 2.0, 4.6 ± 1.4 and 1.4 ± 0.5, respectively. |
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