Figure 5
Results obtained after applying the Zernike3D algorithm to a set of cryo-EM maps from the ryanodine receptor 1 (RyR1) followed by a decomposition of the distance matrix computed by the algorithm into different blocks to recover more meaningful structure mappings. (Top) A partition of the distance matrix into 2 × 2 blocks. Each block stores the distances obtained when comparing the different map types used in this test (pairs of experimental cryo-EM maps and maps derived from atomic structures representing the same conformational state): AA (atomic versus atomic), AC (atomic versus cryo-EM), CA (cryo-EM versus atomic) and CC (cryo-EM versus cryo-EM). (Bottom) A consensus structure map for pairs of RyR1 conformations (from atomic model-derived simulated maps and from cryo-EM maps) resulting from the analysis of the blocks. The red circles are used to enhance the visualization of the different pairs. When compared with Fig. 4(a), it is possible to see that this decomposition of the distance matrix leads to a proper recovering of all the pairs found in the data set. |