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Figure 2
The result of the CH simulation is presented in (a) and represents similar features to the experiment (marked with text). (b) The TTC of the CH simulation with the binary modification of the 2D concentration field. Jet color bars of TTCs correspond to G(q, t1, t2) values. Above the blue arrow there is an equation used for binary modification and below there are schemes of the real-space 2D concentration field u(r, t) before and after binary modification. Parula color bars of the schemes correspond to the concentration distribution [from blue (−1) to yellow (1) color]. The time of CH simulations is in arbitrary units (arb. u.). The presented range of time in arb. u. of the CH simulation corresponds to the experimental time (see Fig. 5).

Volume 9| Part 4| July 2022| Pages 439-448
ISSN: 2052-2525