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Figure 7
(a) Isosurface of the measured intensities in 3D reciprocal space. (b) Horizontal cut through the origin of reciprocal space. The Bragg peaks are attributed to an h.c.p. lattice. The red lines show the cuts in the panels (c) and (d). (c) Vertical cut through the 100 and 100 reflections, and the origin of reciprocal space. (d) Vertical cut through the 010 and 110 reflections with an offset of 30.5 nm−1 along qy from the origin of reciprocal space. The Bragg rods connecting the Bragg peaks of the 10l, 20l and 21l families are indicated with red arrows.

Volume 9| Part 4| July 2022| Pages 425-438
ISSN: 2052-2525