Figure 5
Slices through (a)–(c) the raw reconstructed scattering volume, (d)–(f) the processed total scattering structure function and (g)–(i) the txPDF, with arbitrary units on a logarithmic scale. The slices in the first column are perpendicular to xs, in the second column are perpendicular to ys and in the third column are perpendicular to zs, where xs, ys and zs are the sample coordinates, see the main text for details. All slices are through the origin of the diffraction space. The edge length is from −23.9 to 23.9 Å−1 in (a)–(f) and from −26.3 to 26.3 Å in (g)–(i), respectively. The void features in (a)–(c) result from the relatively high tilt step size of the measurement. The straight void lines in (a) result from masked high-absorption features from the substrate. The void lines in (b) and (e) are due to the masking of the beamstop. |
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