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Figure 2
(a) Experimental setup on the XtaLAB Synergy-R single-crystal diffractometer illustrating both the microfluidic and the millifluidic devices that were utilized. (b) Representative 2D XRD patterns showing the characteristic scattering of water-in-oil droplets within the microfluidic device collected with 25 ms exposures. The zoomed-in inset shows a 104 reflection from calcite. (c) Integrated and background-subtracted 1D diffraction pattern of the right frame of (b) showing that the 104 reflection was preserved during data reduction. (d) Serial 2D (left) and 1D (right) diffraction patterns of calcite crystals obtained from automated background subtraction and combination of multi-frame diffraction data (90 s cumulative exposure time). The diffraction peaks are labelled with their corresponding reflections. (e) Serial 2D (left) and 1D (right) diffraction patterns of PCM I crystals obtained from automated background subtraction and combination of multi-frame diffraction data (90 s cumulative exposure time). The diffraction peaks are labelled with their corresponding reflections. The insets in (d) and (e) illustrate the path of the X-ray beam through the microchannel, where only diffraction frames corresponding to slurry plugs are integrated into the final serial diffraction patterns.

Volume 9| Part 5| September 2022| Pages 538-543
ISSN: 2052-2525