Figure 3
Smart Leginon hole finding using Ptolemy applied to Quantifoil grids of different materials, hole sizes, spacings and characteristics. The top row shows targeting on carbon foil grids and the bottom row on gold foil grids. (a) R0.6/1.0 carbon grid with minor contamination and uniform ice where all holes were identified and targeted (white field-of-view boxes). (b) R1.2/1.3 carbon grid with moderate contamination where the holes are darker than the surrounding foil, and all holes were identified and a random subset of 5 targeted. (c) R0.6/1.0 carbon grid with thick and non-uniform ice and minor contamination where all holes were identified and a random subset of 5 targeted. (d) R2.0/1.0 carbon grid with minor contamination where all holes were identified and targeted with 4 multi-shot targets. (e) R0.6/1.0 gold grid with minor contamination (top-left hole) where all holes were identified and all non-contaminated holes targeted. (f) R1.2/1.3 gold grid with no contamination where all holes were identified and targeted. (g) R1.2/1.3 gold grid with thick ice and no contamination where all holes were identified and a random subset of 5 targeted. (h) R1.6/1.0 gold grid with minor contamination where all holes were identified and a random subset of 5 targeted. Blue plus signs (+) are automatically determined focus locations. Note: an exclusion border was applied to each image, so some edge holes are not targeted. Scale bars are 5 µm. |
ISSN: 2052-2525