Figure 2
3D tomograms. (a) Surface rendering of the sample from synchrotron absorption tomography. (b) Segmentation of structural components based on the synchrotron absorption tomography data. Blue = blood vessel surface, orange = lacunae, gray = cement lines. (c) Slice through the absorption tomogram, showing the cement lines separating the different bone compartments (indicated by red asterisks) and the location of the central blood vessel (blue arrow). (d) SAXS tensor tomography. (e) WAXS tensor tomography. (f) Comparison of SAXS versus WAXS orientation, with the orientation difference calculated as the squared dot product color-coded with 1 (red) for co-orientation of mineral and nanostructure as in the classical models, and 0 (blue) for maximum orientation difference, gray outline indicates slice location for (g) and (h). (g) Slice through the SAXS orientation tomogram. (h) Slice through the WAXS orientation tomogram. (i) Slice through the SAXS versus WAXS orientation comparison tomogram. |
ISSN: 2052-2525