Figure 7
The modes of binding of NADH and NAD+ in the FucO catalytic site are the same. The superimposed structures are of the DA1472 variant (magenta, PDB entry 7qnh) with bound NADH and of the D47 variant (light-green, PDB entry 7r0p) with bound NAD+. Both active sites are also complexed with Fe2+. Also included are the superimposed wild-type catalytic site of the 5br4 structure (blue, with bound NAD+ and Zn2+) and the superimposed active site of the 7qnf structure of the DA1472 variant (yellow), with the bound ethyleneglycol (EDO, cyan), ADPR and Fe2+. The Zn2+ position (as captured in the 5br4 structure) is shifted by approximately 1 Å, away from the canonical Fe2+ position. The interactions of the Zn2+ ion with the side-chain atoms of Asp196, His200, His263 and His277 in the 5br4 structure, and the interaction of the Fe2+ ion with EDO in the 7qnf structure, are highlighted by dotted lines. The hydrogen bond between the amide nitrogen of the nicotinamide moiety of NAD+ and NADH and the peptide oxygen of residue 151 is also highlighted by a dotted line. |
ISSN: 2052-2525