Figure 6
Magnetic field dependence of the (over 2π) azimuthally averaged purely magnetic SANS cross section dΣmag/dΩ of HPT Fe and nd Fe (log–log scales). The dΣmag/dΩ curves have been obtained from the data plotted in Fig. 5 by subtracting the dΣ/dΩ at 8.0 T from the dΣ/dΩ at lower fields. Black solid lines: fits by equation (5 ) using the scattering and response functions defined by equations (6 )–(9 ), which are valid in the approach-to-saturation regime. Note that we have restricted our fit analysis to the HPT + 473 K and HPT + 673 K datasets, for which the magnetic correlation lengths can be spatially resolved within the available experimental q range [i.e. for neutron data which do not exhibit a power-law behavior of dΣmag/dΩ ∝ q−n with n varying from ∼3.5 (4.1) to ∼3.9 (3.4) for HPT Fe (nd Fe)]. |