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Figure 12
HEWL structures solved from different crystal sizes and alignment with a previously published HEWL structure. A section of the solved HEWL structure and electron density for (a) 25 µm crystals, (b) 10 µm crystals and (c) 5 µm crystals. Colours are consistent with previous figures. Electron-density maps are shown in dark blue to 1.5 Å. (d) Superposition of our HEWL structures for 25, 10 and 5 µm crystals with the previously solved HEWL structure, PDB ID 4n5r (Barends et al., 2014BB4) (yellow), displaying high uniformity between our structures and that previously collected under room-temperature conditions at an XFEL.

Volume 10| Part 6| November 2023| Pages 678-693
ISSN: 2052-2525