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Figure 5
Temporal resolution standardization. (a) Standardization of C-SPAM uses a high-frame-rate sampling technique, considering the amount of time the cryo-grid takes to descend into the cryogen from its starting position. (b) Encoding of C-SPAM time resolution defines the descending time as (ΔT1 + ΔT2), where ΔT1 is the time between the start of plunging and the switching of the LED on, and ΔT2 is the time from the start of the reaction to vitrification, representing temporal resolution. (c) For tunability of time resolution, an LED delay is encoded in the software that is dependent on both user resolution input and (ΔT1 + ΔT2). LED delay is defined as (ΔT1 + ΔT2) – input. (d) Images of 10, 5, 1 and 0 ms temporal resolutions of C-SPAM.

ISSN: 2052-2525