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Figure 8
(a) A representative anisotropic 2D USAXS pattern from JPs for an applied B of 1 T perpendicular to the X-ray beam direction. Notice the central streak formed by the chain-like configurations of JPs. (b) Corresponding modeling in terms of equations (18[link]) and (23[link]) using the same structural parameters as in Fig. 4[link] for γ = ±30°, δ = ±30°, σx = 40 and σy = 60. The average number of JPs per chain was 20. The inset in (b) schematically depicts the orientation and twisted chain of the JPs. (c) For the same set of parameters, an isotropic pattern is obtained using equations (19[link]) and (24[link]) when the chains are oriented along the beam direction as sketched in the inset.

Volume 11| Part 1| January 2024| Pages 109-119
ISSN: 2052-2525