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Figure 1
A schematic drawing of the geometry for the GITXS measurement of indium oxide thin films supported on planar glass supports. Neither the distances, thickness nor angles are to scale in order to allow simple visualization of the grazing-incidence geometry. The distance from the center of the sample to the detector was 220.0 cm for all samples except SIS-grown In2O3, which was 415.0 cm. The cross-section profile of 2–5 µm vertically focused incident and scattered X-ray beams are represented by magenta rays. The planar indium oxide/glass sample is positioned with an angle of incidence, αi. The scattered X-rays occur about an azimuth cone distributed around the incident beam, defined by the scatter angle, 2θ, and corresponding momentum-transfer vector Q, with magnitude Q = (4π/λ) sin θ, that is intercepted by a 2D detector. In this case, the azimuth cone is simplified into a scattering vector for clarity. The magenta shading schematically represents the X-ray footprint and penetrated volume.

Volume 11| Part 1| January 2024| Pages 120-128
ISSN: 2052-2525