Figure 3
GITXS data analysis for commercial ITO on glass. Parts (a) and (b) show a reciprocal-space GITXS detector image, with (b) showing the region with Q ≤ 5 Å−1. The polar coordinates, Q and χ, are shown as dashed lines. Between the χ = 0° and χ = 90° directions, additional lines mark 10° slices along χ, based on the center of the slice. (c) The integrated slices from (a) are shown after the background subtraction of a glass substrate. The integrated data for the 10° slice are shorter due to the missing wedge and masked data, and will not be used for further analysis. The 90° wedge is shown here, but the data will not be used for further analysis because it is corrupted by effects at the horizon. |
ISSN: 2052-2525