Figure 1
The `resolution revolution' was largely catalysed by new detector technologies in EM that had particular utility in cryoEM (Kühlbrandt, 2014 ). These developments have in subsequent years been bolstered by software developers, instrument manufacturers and the complementary investment of a large part of the scientific workforce utilizing cryoEM. Altogether, this has generated a sustained and approximately logarithmic growth in the number of 3DEM depositions in EMDB (panel a). Further, the technological improvements to the SPA workflow in particular have resulted in a steady increase in the number of 3DEM maps determined and deposited at resolutions sufficient for building an atomic model, in particular <3 and 3–4 Å (panel b). This is further reflected in the number of structures based on cryoEM data deposited in the PDB (panel c). (a) Number of released EMDB entries (on a logarithmic scale) per year (blue) and cumulatively (orange). Data as of December 2023 from (b) Number of released EMDB entries per year in a number of resolution bins, from 2010 until December 2023 (data from (c) Annually released (dark blue) and cumulative (light blue) number of EM-based structures in the PDB as a function of year, from 2010 until December 2023 (data from |