Figure 2
The effect of seeding under batch conditions compared with droplet conditions on Pdx1 crystal size. (a) Seeded batch Pdx1 crystallization involved a 1:1:1 mixture of Pdx1, seed (105–107 ml−1) and mother liquor. The seed dilution affects crystal size (blue), but not crystal uniformity. (b) Pdx1 crystals were grown in droplets using a 2:1 mixture of seeds (107 ml−1) in mother liquor with Pdx1. Pdx1 crystals grown in 219 and 18 pl monodisperse droplets typically have single occupancy (scale bars 100 µm). (c) Droplet miniaturization over a 200-fold range was used to control Pdx1 crystal length from ∼20 to ∼2 µm (salmon), with crystal length being proportional to droplet volume. (c, inset) Linear scaling of the crystal length with droplet diameter. Droplet confinement enables crystal-size uniformity (CVs 7.4–15.7%). Pdx1 crystals prepared in batch (control, blue) are large with low uniformity (CV 24.4%). |
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