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Figure 3
Strategies for obtaining the chaperone-mediated MHC-I complex. (a) Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) experiments: B44/6-mer binds better (KD = 0.34 µM) than (b) that of B44/9-mer (KD = 1.31 µM), which indicates that MHC-I with the short/truncated peptide binds tighter to tapasin. (c) No electron density is observed in the peptide groove of HLA-B44:05 in the complex with tapasin (PDB entry 7tue). The electron density of the 2(FomFc) map is shown in blue, contoured at 1σ.

Volume 11| Part 3| May 2024| Pages 287-298
ISSN: 2052-2525