Figure 6
(a) Room-temperature XANES-EC spectra for Cu:Aβ at a reduction potential of −0.45 V. Reducing potentials for CuII:Aβ1–y peptide complexes in the literature are in the range of 0.28–0.34 V (Guilloreau et al., 2007 ; Jiang et al., 2007 ). Changes in the potentials depend upon the time allowed for the equilibrium of species. (b) Enlarged XANES spectra showing the CuI characteristic peak at 8984 eV corresponding to the 1s–4p transition. (c) Room-temperature XANES-EC spectra for Cu:Aβ4–16 at a series of reducing potentials from −0.15 to −0.45 V. (d) Room-temperature XANES-EC spectra for Cu:Aβ4–12 at different reducing potentials from −0.05 to −1.20 V. Plots are compared with the low-temperature (LT) and Cu-foil XANES spectra. |