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Figure 3
(a) Small-angle X-ray scattering bead model of YenB/YenC3NTD/YenC3CTD (blue mesh) with the YenB/YenC3NTD crystal structure superimposed. (b) Experimental small-angle X-ray scattering of YenB/YenC3NTD/YenC3CTD (circles) and the theoretical scattering of the bead model (blue line). The residual plot demonstrates a very good fit of the theoretical scattering to the experimental data: χ2 = 0.7548. (c) SAXS bead model (blue mesh) with the crystal structure (green mesh) superimposed. (d) Vertical slice-through of (c) showing the large internal cavity present in the crystal structure (green) but absent in the SAXS model (blue).

Volume 11| Part 3| May 2024| Pages 299-308
ISSN: 2052-2525