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Figure 16
(a) Electron-density results of the hen egg-white lysozyme structure, from the intensities recovered with the iterative algorithm. Electron-density surfaces are plotted at 0.046e Å−3, with 1.5 root-mean-square deviations. The blue mesh indicates the 2FoFc density, where Fo and Fc are the structure factors recovered from the algorithm after phasing and the structure factors of the model, respectively. The green and red meshes indicate the difference map FoFc, and show over and under represented regions of electron density, respectively. (b) A plot of the R factor versus iteration number for the lysozyme reconstruction. The solid line traces the average R factor over nine independent reconstructions with the same parameters but different random starts. The shaded regions above and below the average indicate ±3 standard deviations from the mean of the nine runs. The R factor calculated at each step decreases, indicating that the reconstructed intensities are approaching the target intensities.

Volume 11| Part 4| July 2024| Pages 538-555
ISSN: 2052-2525