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Figure 3
Comparison of the results from the PM-aided method and the random method in terms of orientation determination. Tests were conducted using the protein 6zfp. (a) 3D Fourier volumes at different iterations reconstructed by the PM-aided (blue) and random method (magenta). Note that the contour level is made identical for all volumes. (b) Plots of correlation coefficients between the real Fourier volume and the reconstructed Fourier volumes at various resolution shells for the PM-aided method (blue) and the random method (magenta). Note that the dotted line indicates the resolution of the reconstructed 3D Fourier volume, where the CC shell drops to 0.5. (c) Average of the maximum correlation coefficient between the calculated and experimental diffraction patterns (CCmean) as a function of iteration number for the PM-aided (blue) and random method (magenta). (d) CC map for a randomly selected diffraction pattern plotted in the elevation-azimuth plane at different iterations. The azimuth angle α is along the latitude direction while the elevation angle β is along the longitude direction. The upper row is calculated from the PM-aided method and the lower row is from the random method. The color scale is also shown. (e) Distribution of angular deviations at different iterations for the PM-aided method (blue) and the random method (magenta). Note that the units for angular deviation are given in degrees.

Volume 11| Part 4| July 2024| Pages 602-619
ISSN: 2052-2525